3 Drops • 3 Minutes • 3 Weeks

The Power Of Ayurveda In 21 Days

Experience Nabhi Chikitsa and transform your well-being in just 21 days. The belly button, or navel, is a vital energy point connecting various organs and channels. It is the center of digestive fire (Agni) and life energy (Prana). Nabhi Basti (belly button oiling) balances the tri-doshas, activating 72,000 energy channels for ultimate purification and holistic health.



What's the science behind this?

Belly button oiling, or Nabhi Chitiksa, uses the navel's rich network of blood vessels for efficient absorption, promoting digestion, detoxification, and energy balance by activating key energy points in the body as per Ayurvedic principles. Ayurveda heals from within and requires regular practice and patience, making it a powerful ritual for holistic well-being.

How long should I use the oils?

Nabhi Sutra oils are of Ayurvedic origins and don't rely on artificial elements that force your body to exhibit artificial or non-sustainable wellness.

Thus, it is advisable to use these oils with a little patience. They take time ranging from 3 days to 3 months to show their positive effects based on the body types.

Oils are gender or age specific?

Nabhi Sutra oils are not gender or age specific. Natural wellness is for all ages and genders.

However, it is advisable that you do a small patch test on your hand before you start using the oil in your navel, in case you have any pre-existing skin conditions.

Is it safe for all skin types?

Yes, Nabhi Sutra Daily Dose Belly Button Oil is formulated with natural ingredients and is safe for all skin types.

However, if you have sensitive skin or are prone to allergies, it is
recommended to do a patch test before regular use.